I purchased Doublebase gel to relieve my poor dehydrated skin after using the Duac acne cream/gel. My skin got really dry after using the Duac (which I was expecting) so I was in desperate need of finding something to get my skin back to normal. I don’t own any good moisturisers what so ever so I knew it was time to give in and buy the Doublebase. I’d been pondering over buying it for a while because I’m always nervous when it comes to trying new products. My main set back is that they will break me out in spots, which is ridiculous because 9/10 they don’t. I bought it from my local chemist for about £5 something for 100g. You can buy a larger 500g bottle but I didn’t want to splash out on the bigger one just in case I ended up hating the product and wasting my money.
I’ve only been using it for two days but I’m already really happy with the results. My skin feels so soft, the softest it’s felt in months. The moisturiser I’d been using was one by clean and clear but it wasn’t moisturising enough for me. I think the only product that has saved me for the past few months has been my Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream, but that deserves a whole new post of its own. I will post a review on that later on in my blog. Anyway, enough rambling, Doublebase for me, was definitely worth buying. I just hope that things don’t go wrong. I don’t want to end up expressing my hate for the product on here in a week’s time. That would just be far too upsetting!!
Would I buy it again? Yes Where can I buy this product? You can get it prescribed by your doctor or buy it from most chemists.